Saturday, October 07, 2006

Jedi Mind Tricks - Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell

1. Intro
2. Put Em In The Grave
3. Suicide
4. Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story
5. A Blood Red Path
6. When All Light Dies

7. Serenity in Murder
8. Pariah Demise (interlude)
9. Heavy Metal Kings

10. Shadow Business
11. Triumph & Agony (interlude)
12. Razorblade Salvation
13. Outlive the War
14. Gutta Music
15. Temples of Ice (interlude)
16. Black Winter Day

"Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell" is the latest installment of the somewhat hit-or-miss Jedi Mind Tricks (JMT) series. Usually with JMT you had this relationship between amazing beats (provided by DJ Stoupe) and at-times amazing, but mainly controversial and angry lyrics from Vinnie Paz (formerly Ikon the Verbal Hologram). This album, however, is different in that Vinnie Paz seems to have become slightly less angry and spends less time screaming about converting all of us infidels to Islam (I'm not joking here, some of the raps off his other albums were just hilarious, if it was up to him all of those who aren't Muslim would have had our balls cut off ages ago). In that sense this album is a leap forward. Like most of the JMT albums there are always the few songs that strike out straight away. In my opinion this album has but two. They are track 4 (Uncommon Valor), which has quite possibly the best-ever rap verse on a hip-hop track when R.A. Rugged Man starts rapping in the first person about his father who served in Vietnam, and the other is track 12 (Razorblade Salvation). Track 12 isn't anything special insofar as lyrical flow goes but the content suggests a huge change in Paz's outlook on things where he describes the differences in perspective he's made. The beat is also very catchy and the vocals over the hook are quite a nice touch considering JMT have never done that before as far as I can remember. All-in-all, if you're tired of the 50-cent crap and need some real hip hop, this is a good place to start. Feel free to drop a comment if you want recommendations on more underground hip hop.

- Demonoid (registered only)
- Torrentspy


Blogger P said...

This guy is angry! Sounds like a gruff , angry Guru (from Ganstarr). I guess thats a good thing though beucase everyone knows Guru is class.
Production wise, this ablum is what I like. Lots of scratching and samples. Lyrically, ask Indy, he actually listens to that stuff, but if you want a general idea of what this album maybe like, have a look at the track names, eg, Put em in a grave, suicide and my personal favourite, A blood red path. Its very much a happy-go-lucky type album.
Overall, besides the cheery view of life JMT has, its a pretty good album. Pick of the tracks would be the same as Indy's (mainly because he is the one that recommended it a while back) is Uncommon Valor (or Volour if you learnt how to spell correctly).

On a sidenote, I recommend the new Jurassic 5 album, Feedback and the new one from Hi-Tek (of Black Star fame), Hi-Teknology 2 (The Chip). Both excellent albums.

11:35 AM


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